Q. Intrusive and Annoying Friend of Wife: One of my wife's friends has hated me since the day she met me. While early on, her hatred was tolerable, lately it's become annoying and more than a little creepy. I work in research and development, the same industry as her. I often have lunch with colleagues, both male and female, while we discuss work. She has spotted me a few times having lunch with a female colleague and without even talking to me, she's reported to my wife that she thinks I'm having an affair (even though it's been a different woman each time?apparently I really get around). My wife was suspicious at first but is not so worried now. (I've never cheated on her and have given her no reason to believe I have or would.) This woman ran into me last week and told me, "I'm going to destroy you" and walked away. I told my wife, and she said I must not have heard her correctly. How do I convince my wife that she needs to confront this nutcase? If she doesn't change her behavior toward me after that, I think it's only fair that my wife stop seeing her as a friend. What do you think I should do?
Source: http://feeds.slate.com/click.phdo?i=4c7ab61fdb72c58489e12586b4f2eed7
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